Saturday, February 15, 2014

How to Add a Clickable Link to Your YouTube Video and Redirect Any where...

Having the ability to be able to add a link inside your YouTube Video that redirects anywhere on the net would be pretty cool right? Well, in fact, you can do it right now.

Direct to your Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Blog, capture page, affiliate link. The choice is yours.

All you need is:

Your Wordpress site as your associated website
Pretty link plug in.

That's it!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

YouTube Massacre | YouTube Massacre Review

YouTube Massacre is a product by me, Adam Payne. It was real eased as a WSO on Feb 10th, 2014.

In short, YouTube Massacre is a PDF and 10 video training course and case study showing you how to rank almost any video online.

I go over the basics, on page optimization, off page SEO and more.

One thing I elaborate on is the need for a good viewer experience and the importance of viewer engagement.

This is all ethical stuff. No black hat, fake views and the like. Too many YouTube products emphasize black hat stuff, but not me.

The OTO of YouTube Massacre is a 10 video series. In this I let you watch over my shoulder as I show you step by step how I start from scratch and rank a video at the top of Google and YouTube in the Bizz Opp niche which is quite competeitve.