Monday, June 27, 2016

YouTube Remarketing A huge Opportunity for YOU! Adam Payne

YouTube Remarketing A huge Opportunity for YOU! Retargeting and remarketing are the same thing by the way. When people visit your website or see your videos for the first time, they are cold traffic. They do not know you and at that time, there is no KLT factor (Know, Like, Trust). As such, the large majority do not take the action you hope for. They do not buy, opt-in..etc BUT…If you have your YouTube Remarketing set up, then you can follow them all over the web and all over YouTube. Bit like a stalker but less scary and creepy. Even better. You can follow them over YouTube depending on the actual search term they type in. Your Remarketing videos can be hyper- targeted. Now there are basically 3 main types of traffic: 1) COLD TRAFFIC: People who have no idea who you are. 2) WARM TRAFFIC: People who know you, but have never taken action. 3) HOT TRAFFIC. People know you, have taken action and are engaged. They know, like, and trust you. Youtube Remarketing allows you to turn cold to warm to hot… As the above article mentions, it can take many times of folks seeing your videos before they take action. That is what remarketing allows you to do. ...................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: Google: Blog: Interview site: Video: via IFTTT

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