Monday, July 4, 2016

Penny Clicks 4 Profit interview - This is Awesome Adam Payne

Penny Clicks 4 Profit Grab it: Penny Clicks for Profit is a CPA Training but you will not see it being promoted heavily. Why? well, the creator Tobias Ockermuller is not splashing it all over JVZoo. This is actually a good thing. It won't get too saturated. Now, I know CPA is highly lucrative but I have a love hate relationship with it. It can be quite tricky as there are a lot of moving parts. Many of the CPA offers are less than reputable and a lot of the offers have low WOT scores (Web of Trust) which means that direct linking could get you in trouble with certain ad platforms (anyone say Facebook?) On the flip side, CPA has made more people rich than any other form of marketing I know, and that is why it is so attractive. It also appeals to the introvert as you can do it all without ever having to speak to anyone or handling any customer calls, emails...etc. There are not too many CPA folks I trust anymore. My friend Neil Moran is one of the good guys and Tobias is too. Recetnyl, he has been on Facebook showing us his results and crazy ROIs. . ...................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: Google: Blog: Interview site: Video: #PennyClicks4Profit via IFTTT

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