Wednesday, September 20, 2017

How to get a YouTube video Noticed Facebook Group: YouTube Ads Tutorial: I hope this video finds you well. In today’s video we’re going to talk about how to get a little kick start to your video as soon as you upload your videos to YouTube. What a lot of people maybe have found so far is you upload a video to YouTube, you do your own page optimization, and then nothing really happens. You don’t get back many views. Well this video is gonna give you a list of actionable steps that you can take both before you make the video and once the video has been uploaded. There are certain things you should do, certain things you shouldn’t do, otherwise you may find that you get inadvertently penalized. There’s also an element of mindset that goes into this as well. So, when I say mindset, YouTube is basically a patience game. You need to have an element of patience to get results from videos. Your videos may not be a success right off the bat. Now what a lot of people who create these cheap courses will tell you is learn how I rank my video into minutes or in five minutes or in ten minutes. That’s all well and good but it’s utterly utterly meaningless because what YouTube does when you upload a new piece of content is they’ll generally tend to rank it relatively high. Now of course if you’re trying to target the word [inaudible 00:01:19], you won’t just be automatically on the first page on which you made the video. They will tend to rank newer videos highly especially during the first 24 hours because what that does is that tells other people there’s a new piece of content that’s been created. Check it out. Then people may or may not watch the video. They may watch part of the video. They may start watching it for a few minutes and [inaudible 00:01:43] and think “This is a lot of rubbish.” They may watch the whole thing through, like, subscribe and comment if it’s a great bit of content. So, the first thing you’ve got to remember is you’ve got to create good quality stuff. Now that doesn’t mean good quality stuff in the respect of flashy graphics and green screens and all of that stuff cause a lot of that stuff is just vanity. The content itself does need to be good. That’s important so if you’re creating these sheet videos, they’re just like images that go onto another image with no voice and a little bit of text but you’re trying to rank something to find [inaudible 00:02:17] affiliate product. It’s just not going to cut it. You gotta offer a little bit of value. You’ve also got to make sure that you’re going to go after a key word that is doable yet does get searches. I mean you can rank #1 for the key word “banana pen dog cat fish”, but no one’s typing that in. On the other side of the coin, if you’re trying to create a video and you’re targeting how to make money online, good luck with that one. I mean, you may be able to do it. So you’ve got to make sure that you get searches. Also you need to have an element of realism with respect to how many views you expect. Sometimes videos will go viral unexpectedly but you need to, you know your search, the video you’re trying to rank for, get exposure for, you’re going after a search term that gets 300 searches per month. You can’t expect 300 searches alone in the first week. You might only get 10 or 15 views, but that’s because of the nature of the key word. Now I’ll give you a big example here. This is one that I made a few years ago. I have no expectation with, but it went kind of viral. I mean it’s got nearly 200,000 views. Made it in 2014. It’s kind of not applicable now because usage changed that annotation and stuff. The thing is sometimes videos will take off and you won’t expect it. Now I think the reason this video took off is because some people have the same problem. Maybe my video was able to teach it in a succinct yet clear way that people could understand. So I got a lot of views very quickly. I also interacted with all the people that commented. I either Like or Reply to people. So that’s also important as well. Now this isn’t a search term that’s searched for that much anymore. If people did watch this video, they couldn’t really apply it apart from maybe using it with YouTube cards because the annotation function has been removed. Please like, comment, and share this video: Please subscribe to my channel AdamPayne75 Website Product Reviews Blog: Adam Payne Connect with me on: G+ YouTube Products: Thanks for watching this video:


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