I am a marketer who runs: https://videomarketinginsider.com/ along with https://beerswithadam.com/
Monday, October 31, 2016
Video Link Vortex 2.0 Overview 🙂 http://youtu.be/sTPTXoXL3kU Adam Payne
Video Link Vortex Review: http://ift.tt/2f8nNK7 When I first got going online I bought a training by a guy called Bill Cousins. It was called Video Rocket. It was the first product that worked for me and kickstarted my interest in YouTube. Today I got the chance to speak with him 1-1, say thank you and chat about YouTube and his amazing new software called video Link Vortex 2.0. In short, this about connecting a TON of videos together to make link wheels. YouTube URLS are all do follow if they are inside of YouTube. They are insanely powerful. In the old days, you had to this manually. While it worked, it was a right pain in the ass. It took forever opening and closing pages and saving all the time. I did this and still do from time to time but it is time intensive. Do a search for the term, ‘Talking to Toddlers Review’. This is a Clickbank product that does not get a lot of traffic, but I wanted to rank and try and take over as much of page one as I could to get some clicks and sales. Here is a quick screenshot of a channel I rarely use these days. I made 12 videos - I think and manually linked them all together. BTW, notice how the streamed one still ranks #1.Streaming works But I chose the wrong offer. And I also chose the wrong keyword as traffic is minimal at best. PROS: + Web based + Fb Support group + Super easy to use. Could not be easier. Don’t believe me: Look here: CONS: + I cannot think of any to be honest IMPORTANT: Add this code at checkout for $50 off – Only Valid via my link: adamvlv50 ..................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/adampayne75 Google: http://ift.tt/1Excx3L Blog: http://ift.tt/22Hmypy Interview site: http://ift.tt/1Excx3N Video: http://ift.tt/1Kp2D6A http://youtu.be/sTPTXoXL3kU via IFTTT
Sunday, October 30, 2016
How to Analyse YouTube Ads Test and Tweak http://youtu.be/VPpsicoXlHo Adam Payne
How to Analyse YouTube Ads: Gift: http://ift.tt/2de8mjo Today's video, I want to give you a few tips to analyze your YouTube ads because we all know when we take out YouTube ads and any kind of paid advertising, things don't always go to plan. It's never as easy as people say it is in the training videos. Now, I know I've got most of the stuff on the screen blurred out. That's because it's sensitive information. When you're inside of your Google AdWords accountant and you're looking at your campaigns, you may see that your videos are getting a lot of views but they're not getting a lot of clicks, or perhaps you're getting a lot of clicks but you're not getting enough desired results. Perhaps people are clicking your link but they're not opting into your page. It could be a hundred and one different things it is, but you've got to be able to take a step back and look at it from the point of view of the person who's looking at your video. If you're taking out a discovery ad, so the ones that appear at the top of the search results, you've got to ask yourself this: is your video too short? I see a lot of people take out these ads, and their videos are fifteen, twenty seconds, thirty seconds. You need to really think of putting value-based or educational-based videos if you're going to do a discovery ad because if I had come to YouTube, and I type in "how to do a, b, c," and then I see a fifteen-second video which doesn't tell me at all how to do a, b, c, it's going to be a waste of my time. At least you want to make sure that your video does offer some kind of value or education to your crowd. B, you've also got to think that if you're targeting hundreds of different keywords, or even fifty keywords, all of these keywords are slightly different. If one keyword is getting a lot of traction, but that keyword is not directly related to your video, then there's going to be some kind of gap going on between what the person who comes to your video is thinking and hoping for and what your video provides. That's why if you can write two or three closely-related but high-traffic keywords, then at least you know that your video is going to be related to the stuff people are searching for. Also, you want to ask: is your video ... does it have a clear call to action? It's all very well as marketers knowing that there's an annotation or a link in there to click, but people that come to your videos are not always Internet savvy, so make sure that you physically tell them, "Look, please click on the link at the bottom right or the top left now, and when you click on that link you'll be taken to another page off of YouTube where you have to enter your name and e-mail address in order to get your free gift." You've got to tell people this stuff because a lot of people ... If my mother comes to a YouTube video and clicks a link, and it suddenly opens up a new page, probably freak out thinking a virus is going to come into her computer and close it straight away. There are people like that, so you've got to make sure, although it's obvious to you and me, that you actually tell them that they're going to go to another page and they're going to have to put their e-mail address in in order to get the gift. Also, is there a disconnect between your video, the keyword, and the landing page? If somebody types in "how to lose weight," and your video is about how to lose tummy fat when they maybe don't want to lose tummy fat. They might want to lose some other kind of fat. Then your pdf guide is just about getting healthy. Your landing page says "watch our five-minute presentation to improve your health." There's no real congruency throughout the process. You've got to be careful that everything is really, really congruent. Now, if you're getting a lot of clicks to your link on your video, but you're getting no actual leads, people aren't opting in, then there's something wrong with the landing page. If you're getting views, but you're not getting any clicks, then there's something wrong with your video. There's a disconnect. Perhaps it's your call to action. You do need to go in, and you do need to analyze this stuff. You need to test and tweak. Paid traffic's not easy. It's never straightforward, and I'm sure it's the same with other forms of paid advertising. With YouTube, it is the same, so if you're not getting the results from your ads, ask yourself these questions. ..................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/adampayne75 Google: http://ift.tt/1Excx3L Blog: http://ift.tt/22Hmypy Interview site: http://ift.tt/1Excx3N Video: http://ift.tt/1Kp2D6A http://youtu.be/VPpsicoXlHo via IFTTT
How to Rip an Audio File From a Video - Adam Payne http://youtu.be/aCuym1KYECo Adam Payne
How to rip an audio file from a video: Gift: Hey ya, Adam Payne here. Hope this video finds you well. In this short tutorial, we're going to see how easy it is to take a video and rip the audio from the video so that we have an MP3, and then you can use that MP3 and upload it to SoundCloud or another place that you would like to upload it. You're going to need a free tool call Audacity, works on both a Mac or PC. Just Google Audacity, you can download it onto your computer. Just follow the steps. Very, very simple. Once you've downloaded it, you want to open up the application, hit file, hit open, and then you're going to want to choose your video from your desktop. In this case we'll choose a random video from my desktop. It will take a few seconds to upload the audio file. Now I need to take this audio file and download this audio file onto my computer. I'm going to hit file, export ... I'll call it AdamTest.MP3. Whatever you name the file, just finish it off with .MP3. Otherwise, I have found that it doesn't always work properly. In this case, I am going to choose my desktop, but you can download it to wherever you want on your computer. It's going to be MP3. Hit save. If you want to, you can name it. I'll call it AdamTest1, and you can give a track title if you want, add your keywords in here, whatever you want to do, then hit OK. It's going to export it to my desktop. Again, a longer file is going to take a longer time. If you've got a big, long video, it might take you a few minutes. Short video may take you fifteen seconds, twenty seconds. Let's let it do it's stuff. It's finished. Let's just now come here and click find. I want to find something called MP3, and I've got AdamTestMp3. There is my audio file that I could use to upload to SoundCloud or wherever I want. Very, very simple. Hope you like this tutorial. If so, please subscribe to my channel for more online marketing tips. Cheers! ...................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/adampayne75 Google: http://ift.tt/1Excx3L Blog: http://ift.tt/22Hmypy Interview site: http://ift.tt/1Excx3N Video: http://ift.tt/1Kp2D6A http://youtu.be/aCuym1KYECo via IFTTT
Thursday, October 27, 2016
How to Use YouTube End Cards by Adam Payne (Mobile Annotations) http://youtu.be/UkwdP6n_5Ws Adam Payne
How to Use YouTube End Cards by Adam Payne Gift: http://ift.tt/2de8mjo ...................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/adampayne75 Google: http://ift.tt/1Excx3L Blog: http://ift.tt/22Hmypy Interview site: http://ift.tt/1Excx3N Video: http://ift.tt/1Kp2D6A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UkwdP6n_5Ws http://youtu.be/UkwdP6n_5Ws via IFTTT
Friday, October 14, 2016
What is Launchjacking? And Why is it a BAD business Model for Low end products - Adam Payne http://youtu.be/MmNoz_2ZKgc Adam Payne
What is Launchjacking? With Adam Payne Gift: http://ift.tt/2de8mjo In this video, we’re going to talk about why the concept of launchjacking is, in my opinion, a bad strategy and definitely not a long-term business concept that you should take seriously. I know there are many products out there that teach launchjacking. There are many video-related products that advocate the concept of launchjacking but I don’t think it’s a good idea--one that people should really take seriously and this is why. But let’s first go through what launchjacking is, in case you don’t know. There are products being launched consistently in various niches, but especially in making money online. There are products being released every single day. Usually, three or four or five a day. Sometimes more. So what people will tend to do is they will make videos and now, I do the same thing. But they’ll make videos reviewing these products, trying to rank them on youtube or trying to rank their websites on Google. For a very short period in the hope that people will come on to Youtube or Google, type in the search term, product name review, or product name, or product name bonus and they will come across their video and they will watch their video while read the videos and they will click on the buy button and that person will make an affiliate commission. And in theory, that sounds like it’s a great idea because you know, these products get a little bit search volume but the trouble is: the short... the shelf life of these products is very, very short. Most products, you know, it’s like for two or three days, they get searched for and after that, they get completely forgotten about and the next one’s up there. Again, two or three days later, they’ve gone and the next one’s up there. So this is why I think it’s a bad idea. It’s very difficult to rank your video for a new product quickly but it is easy to rank it long term. A lot of my videos, when I review a product and I make my review video and I upload it to Youtube, excuse me, I don’t really bother that much now with getting a hundred percent optimized or you know, getting my SEO down, clearly because there are a lot of people out there that do these review videos, that do a lot of underhand black hat stuff, because they know their videos will rank very quickly and stay there for a day or two and then you know, two weeks later, they will disappear. But they don’t care. And rightly so because two weeks later, no one’s looking for that product, no one in the real world’s ever heard for these people. It’s a very short term thing so there are a lot of people out there doing black hat stuff and stuff that might get them in trouble but they don't care because the video ranked...it ranked for two or three days and disappears. Other people, who are in this more long term, they have a lot of follows. So they could make a review video and send it out to their lists and that video will get a lot or some, I should actually say a lot, but its some views, in a very short period of time, people will watch the majority of that video and therefore, they will rank. So the average person is gonna really really struggle and I’ve got an example up here in Youtube now and it’s a product right now the time I’m making this video called elemento. I’m not promoting this product. I’ve got a review copy, I didn't go through it, I’m not saying it's good or it's bad. I’m just saying it’s something that’s being sold right now. So right now, there are going to be people searching for this product but I guarantee you, in a week, it’ll get very few search results. Yes, people will come through with drips and drabs but nothing worth writing about. So of course, part of the domain here is ranking in the first two spots and one of the reason he does that because he has a very, very large follow and he’s a huge email list and a large following on his blog. So everytime he makes a video, he can send it out to his list. He’ll a lot of people reviewing it on his portion video on his blog. A lot of people will come in youtube. In fair play to him, he’s putting in hard work. And you know, he can rank very very easily clearly because he gets a lot of views very very quickly. ...................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/adampayne75 Google: http://ift.tt/1Excx3L Blog: http://ift.tt/22Hmypy Interview site: http://ift.tt/1Excx3N Video: http://ift.tt/1Kp2D6A http://youtu.be/MmNoz_2ZKgc via IFTTT
Thursday, October 13, 2016
Membership Dons Review - How to Get Your First Membership Site Up & Running http://youtu.be/5X9ukYNAV48 Adam Payne
Membership Dons Review - How to Get Your First Membership Site Up & Running: http://ift.tt/2dRbrLy So what is Membership Dons about? FE -Membership Dons is a video course that teaches people how to build and run membership programs. This is a 21 video course with step by step instructions walking people through the process of how to set up their membership sites, what to put in it for content, how much to charge for it, and how to get customers in it. OTO1 - The Digital Takeover is am in depth flagship video course teaching people how I double revenue with a very specific kind of sales funnel. It walks through what to use for each part of the funnel and the reasoning behind it. How to set it up and what to charge for it. This is a 94 video course holding incredible value OTO2 - The second OTO is a 1 hour coaching session priced at $97. ...................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/adampayne75 Google: http://ift.tt/1Excx3L Blog: http://ift.tt/22Hmypy Interview site: http://ift.tt/1Excx3N Video: http://ift.tt/1Kp2D6A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5X9ukYNAV48 #Membershipdons #Membershipdonsreview #Membershipdonsbonus http://youtu.be/5X9ukYNAV48 via IFTTT
Wednesday, October 12, 2016
The Problem with Warrior Plus and JVzoo Vendors http://youtu.be/7d0X01WAO3I Adam Payne
Hi . Adam here. Hope this video finds you well. Bit sunburned from my trip to the zoo yesterday but such is life, I always forget some cream, which is kind of a stupid thing to do because I’m as white as they come. But that being said, I wanted to do a rant and then I realized I’m so fucking angry about so many things that I’ll be ranting all day. I’ve got a list of things here that you wouldn’t believe that I actually get…kind of tick me off. But I don’t want to keep your day because nobody wants to listen to some guy in Japan rambling on about things he’s unhappy with so I’m going to keep it short and sweet and maybe have some mini rants. Uhhh… today’s rant is going to basically be why people struggle or fail. Now this is not directed at anybody in particular and if you’re successful, it’s not directed at you. But if you’re struggling, if you’ve made no money, little money or just all over the shop then just listen to what I’ve got to say cause, hopefully, some of it will you know stick to you. Hopefully. Now, there are a lot of people in this Facebook group that are very successful and there are a lot of lurkers and I haven’t got a clue who the fuck you are cause you don’t do anything. But you joined this group for a reason, I hope. So at least, you know, say hello and tell us what you do, any questions, or problems that you have. But the… One of the reasons why I think struggle and I think it’s an obvious one is lack of focus and it’s usually those people that buy these products all the time. I often see products on warrior plus and I think what an absolute steaming pile of shit and then two days later, they have sold 1,500 copies, its product of the day and everyone’s back slapping each other. And I know the reason they sell a lot of products is because of all these vendors reciprocate and promote each other but nobody puts a gun to anybody’s head and say ‘you’ve got to buy this’. Buyers are ultimately responsible for that decision. So if you’re a buyer, that’s your choice: to be responsible. Secondly, all of the successful marketers that I know are good at one thing. They’re good at Facebook ads, they’re good at e-commerce. They’re good at video. They’re good at blocking. They’re not good at everything so if, for me, my thing’s video as you know I do post a few other things but my main thing is video so I… I don't think I’m best in the world but I’m good at YouTube marketing so I have an eye for YouTube training, whether it’s good or not. I don’t have a clue about Instagram or Pinterest or Twitter so just because my friend’s got a Twitter program or an Instagram program or whatever I won’t promote it because I haven’t got a clue about it. Now there are certain things that I can go through, you know, and look at it with a big video and think ‘well, that’s not a bad training’ so I’m happy to put my name to it. Sometimes that can be related to copy writing, it could be related to e-commerce but only occasionally, not all the time, so going back...going back a thing is that person promoting something different all the time? If yes, time to back off. Is that person putting their name on a bunch of different products? If yes, out the door. But you got to be more careful with what you buy. If you’ve got more than if you’ve got a ton of products on your hard drive, you don’t need the next plug in, you don’t need the next PDF, you don’t need the next training, you don’t need the next video course. What you need is focus, clarity and angle and just do whatever you can to get that angle. . ...................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/adampayne75 Google: http://ift.tt/1Excx3L Blog: http://ift.tt/22Hmypy Interview site: http://ift.tt/1Excx3N Video: http://ift.tt/1Kp2D6A http://youtu.be/7d0X01WAO3I via IFTTT
Tuesday, October 11, 2016
Getting More Views to Your YouTube Ads http://youtu.be/WB21J3z5vf8 Adam Payne
Getting More Views to Your YouTube Ads Gift: http://ift.tt/2de8mjo . ...................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/adampayne75 Google: http://ift.tt/1Excx3L Blog: http://ift.tt/22Hmypy Interview site: http://ift.tt/1Excx3N Video: http://ift.tt/1Kp2D6A http://youtu.be/WB21J3z5vf8 via IFTTT
Monday, October 10, 2016
Commission Cartel Review + Unique Never Seen Before Commission Cartel Bonuses http://youtu.be/BjVIN7Z5lwo Adam Payne
Commission Cartel Review and Commission Cartel Bonuses Grab it all: http://ift.tt/2e1LIu5 What Is Commission Cartel? I'm making $1442.29 in commissions a day (I calculated this over the past 12 months). I've documented the entire process and people who follow it will make a minimum of $500 in the next 30 days. This is BRAND NEW content, tactics and training which I have never shared anywhere else before. Even brand new newbies can do this - even if they don't have a list, a website or any any experience. Commission Cartel Review The Front-End is the $9.95 Commission Cartel Dossier, Video, Audio, Blueprint, DFY Promos and Additional "Insider Training" This collection of breakthrough trainings gives people everything they need to know to crank out $500 in the next 30 days. godfather-packThe first upsell is "The Godfather Package" ($27). Commission Cartel Review Never before released, done-for-you commission-creating campaigns they just swipe and deploy. Each campaign includes all the promotional materials, a special discount coupon code they can pass to their buyers and a special bonus they can use to incentivize people to buy through their link. ...................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/adampayne75 Google: http://ift.tt/1Excx3L Blog: http://ift.tt/22Hmypy Interview site: http://ift.tt/1Excx3N Video: http://ift.tt/1Kp2D6A Commission Cartel Review Commission Cartel Commission Cartel Bonuses #CommissionCartel https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjVIN7Z5lwo http://youtu.be/BjVIN7Z5lwo via IFTTT
Thursday, October 6, 2016
How to Legally Use Other People's Videos For YouTube Ads 2 Ways http://youtu.be/BDyzaN5L9R4 Adam Payne
How to Legally Use Other People's Videos For YouTube Ads Gift: http://ift.tt/2de8mjo After chatting to a lot of people, it seems there are 2 misconceptions about YouTube Ads: 1. They are difficult 2. They are this year’s in thing In this post, I will dispell both of the above concepts and my goal is to provide you all with a blueprint to creating a Youtube Ad even if you are completely clueless about the whole deal. So, How do YouTube Ads work? How do YouTube Ads Work? The First Step Before you even get started with a YouTube Ad ( and we will get into different types of ads in a minute), you’ll need a Google Adwords Account. To get one simply go here: http://ift.tt/12vjWfR. Follow the on-screen instructions. Make sure you enter the correct credit card and billing information as you won’t be able to move forward after this. The next step is to link your YouTube Channel. 1. Log in to YouTube as usual and go to Creator Studio. 2. Hit the Channel tab and then the advanced tab. 3. From here, hit the ‘Link Adwords Account’ and then paste your Google Adwords ID number (Found in your Adwords account). 4. Name the account, check the 3 boxes and then job is done. you just need to wait for approval. Now you are ready and able to create your First YouTube Ad. But this post is more to explain How YouTube… How do YouTube Ads Work? – The Three Main Types First let’s look at in-Search Ads. These are the best ones for the beginner as you do not need to actually create a new video. You just use one of your existing ones. These appear at the top of the search results after someone types in a search query in-Search-Ads As you can see, they are related to my original search. A click on the Rosetta Stone Ad takes me here: This is great, as it is their CHANNEL. More branding and teaches me about them and what they have to offer. If I click the annotation, I go here: In-Search-3-1024x599 A landing page that is congruent and uses similar coloring… Not only will this Ad attract clicks, but if the video does a good job, it will re-redirect the traffic to a place of the advertiser’s choosing. Oh, and it will also increase views which in turn will lead to better rankings. Who said buying views was bad? If you want to simplify the whole YouTube Ads Process, then this is what you should do. Next, let’s look at in display ads. These are best for beginners. In short you are paying for the top spots on the RIGHT of the video you are watching In-Display-1024x476 The funny thing here is that this takes me to YouTube’s ads platform. Perhaps they want me to take out an ad? Now, let’s look at in-stream Ads. In-stream ads are what most people think of when it comes to YouTube Ads. Now, most people think they are annoying as hell, and that’s fine. But…They work IF done the right way. In-stream ads are small videos that play before the video that you are hoping to watch. Often, you have the option to click away after 5 seconds. These appear ‘before’ the video you are looking for plays. These ads need to catch the viewers’ eye and take them away from the content they had just chosen to view. In doing so, targeting is incredibly crucial, as you want to keep your advertising as “on topic” as possible to the video your viewer just made clear they wanted to watch… ...................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/adampayne75 Google: http://ift.tt/1Excx3L Blog: http://ift.tt/22Hmypy Interview site: http://ift.tt/1Excx3N Video: http://ift.tt/1Kp2D6A http://youtu.be/BDyzaN5L9R4 via IFTTT
VidReaper Review - Pros/Cons and The Full details http://youtu.be/R0MuE1KtZ-Q Adam Payne
VidReaper Review - Pros/Cons and The Full details http://ift.tt/2dyX5vx VidReaper Review The software searches YouTube for videos that actually make money and reverse engineers the process so you can outrank them. It pulls data from SEM Rush and AHREFS with regards backlinks and all that jazz. You also get to see the number of keywords the videos rank for, the views,likes, whether it has close captions on and a whole bunch more. Like it or hate it, the HOTTEST news of the day drives profits. When Brad and Angie split, marketers EVERYWHERE were profiting from the news. Imagine constantly being AHEAD of the curve with what video news is creating the most buzz. Driving the most traffic … and profits. Marketing is about timing and position. When you KNOW the right timing, POSITION your message properly, you make UNFAIR profits consistently. My friend Matt, a highly successful niche marketer, has been doing that for years. By finding out AHEAD of time what the hottest topics of the day are. Recently, he’s turned his attention to video. And developed a powerful tool that lets ANYONE determine what topics, trends and even video TITLES are making the most money. Use this tool, and you can quickly & easily profit from the hottest trends in today’s video market. Even if you’ve never made a video before. The software shows you what topics are hot, which ones to avoid .... and exactly how to create AND rank videos for TOP rankings in the search engines for ongoing free traffic and passive profits. Vid Reaper Vid Reaper Review #VidReaper . ...................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/adampayne75 Google: http://ift.tt/1Excx3L Blog: http://ift.tt/22Hmypy Interview site: http://ift.tt/1Excx3N Video: http://ift.tt/1Kp2D6A https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0MuE1KtZ-Q http://youtu.be/R0MuE1KtZ-Q via IFTTT
Saturday, October 1, 2016
Turnkey Profit Machines Review - I Like it But.. http://youtu.be/6FOMJ6-5yXA Adam Payne
Turnkey Profit Machines Review Get it: http://ift.tt/2dk9sLs Turnkey Profits Machines FE is a combination of: 1) Powerful case studies showing exactly how our partner Phil has set up his business: what he sells, how much he sells for, how much he buys for, where he gets the traffic, nothing is left out 2) Training showing how your subscribers can set up this business from complete scratch, niche research, all technical training included. Turnkey Profit Machines Review OTO1 contains 2 additional case studies, with real results, profits, traffic etc, showing Phil's own most profitable "machines". OTO2 is 15 Done For You profitable "machines" AND a Done For You site. Turnkey Profit Machines Review ...................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/adampayne75 Google: http://ift.tt/1Excx3L Blog: http://ift.tt/22Hmypy Interview site: http://ift.tt/1Excx3N Video: http://ift.tt/1Kp2D6A #TurnkeyProfitMachines #TurnkeyProfitMachinesReview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FOMJ6-5yXA http://youtu.be/6FOMJ6-5yXA via IFTTT
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