Friday, October 14, 2016

What is Launchjacking? And Why is it a BAD business Model for Low end products - Adam Payne Adam Payne

What is Launchjacking? With Adam Payne Gift: In this video, we’re going to talk about why the concept of launchjacking is, in my opinion, a bad strategy and definitely not a long-term business concept that you should take seriously. I know there are many products out there that teach launchjacking. There are many video-related products that advocate the concept of launchjacking but I don’t think it’s a good idea--one that people should really take seriously and this is why. But let’s first go through what launchjacking is, in case you don’t know. There are products being launched consistently in various niches, but especially in making money online. There are products being released every single day. Usually, three or four or five a day. Sometimes more. So what people will tend to do is they will make videos and now, I do the same thing. But they’ll make videos reviewing these products, trying to rank them on youtube or trying to rank their websites on Google. For a very short period in the hope that people will come on to Youtube or Google, type in the search term, product name review, or product name, or product name bonus and they will come across their video and they will watch their video while read the videos and they will click on the buy button and that person will make an affiliate commission. And in theory, that sounds like it’s a great idea because you know, these products get a little bit search volume but the trouble is: the short... the shelf life of these products is very, very short. Most products, you know, it’s like for two or three days, they get searched for and after that, they get completely forgotten about and the next one’s up there. Again, two or three days later, they’ve gone and the next one’s up there. So this is why I think it’s a bad idea. It’s very difficult to rank your video for a new product quickly but it is easy to rank it long term. A lot of my videos, when I review a product and I make my review video and I upload it to Youtube, excuse me, I don’t really bother that much now with getting a hundred percent optimized or you know, getting my SEO down, clearly because there are a lot of people out there that do these review videos, that do a lot of underhand black hat stuff, because they know their videos will rank very quickly and stay there for a day or two and then you know, two weeks later, they will disappear. But they don’t care. And rightly so because two weeks later, no one’s looking for that product, no one in the real world’s ever heard for these people. It’s a very short term thing so there are a lot of people out there doing black hat stuff and stuff that might get them in trouble but they don't care because the video ranked for two or three days and disappears. Other people, who are in this more long term, they have a lot of follows. So they could make a review video and send it out to their lists and that video will get a lot or some, I should actually say a lot, but its some views, in a very short period of time, people will watch the majority of that video and therefore, they will rank. So the average person is gonna really really struggle and I’ve got an example up here in Youtube now and it’s a product right now the time I’m making this video called elemento. I’m not promoting this product. I’ve got a review copy, I didn't go through it, I’m not saying it's good or it's bad. I’m just saying it’s something that’s being sold right now. So right now, there are going to be people searching for this product but I guarantee you, in a week, it’ll get very few search results. Yes, people will come through with drips and drabs but nothing worth writing about. So of course, part of the domain here is ranking in the first two spots and one of the reason he does that because he has a very, very large follow and he’s a huge email list and a large following on his blog. So everytime he makes a video, he can send it out to his list. He’ll a lot of people reviewing it on his portion video on his blog. A lot of people will come in youtube. In fair play to him, he’s putting in hard work. And you know, he can rank very very easily clearly because he gets a lot of views very very quickly. ...................................................................................... Find me on: YouTube: Google: Blog: Interview site: Video: via IFTTT

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